RageCationing with the Stars Full Transcript Scene 0: Prologue *We open with a view of a loading area beside a colorfully painted airplane. Drone 9300, decked out with newly fitted grabber arms and articulated limbs stomps into view grumbling.) Drone 9300: What do I look like. A loading drone? Alright alright. (The drone moves over to a suitcase and heaves it upright.) Drone 9300: Well this suitcase has to be Eli's. No one else would have a Doctor Who logo on the top. (The drone drags the bag over to a pile of them by the cargo bay doors. and moves over to another one.) Drone 9300: Ahh laurel's Bag. (he fruitlessly attempts to heave it up but can't.) Drone 9300: For the love of Cosmic! What does she have in here? Hey, drones 9370 to 9377. Why don't you make yourselves useful! Help me with these bags! (Several drones activate and move over to help as the scene switches to the inside of the airport.) (Within the airport, Eli is rushing towards Nate and Dante as a boarding announcement comes over the airport PA.) Nate: I say! Eli old chap! You're cutting it a bit fine there! Eli: Apologies, old chap. Traffic was terrible. Some dag fool Marie Web shut down the rift network so she could watch her soap operas. I don't know. Dante: I don't know. I can see where she's coming from. Eli: Well, we're all here. That's all that matters. Vegas here we come. Nate: Woo yeah! Vegas Baby! (The three hosts rush off towards the boarding gate chanting, "Vegas! Vegas! Vegas!") (Back with the drones, and Drone 9300 is moving back to watch the other drones work.) Drone 9300: Now they're finally doing something, I can relax. (The drone sinks down with a sigh and reaches into a compartment on its side.) Drone 9300: With all the hosts leaving, I can finally have some time to my self. Just me, an empty admin area, and this lovely can of 30 weight motor oil mixed with Tabasco sauce. (Another drone moves over to the drone and latches onto him with a mechanical claw.) Drone 9300: Hey! Let me go! Drone 9371: Alert. This suitcase appears to be malfunctioning. Drone 9300: (Struggling) Hey wait! I'm not a suitcase. Drone 9300: (Struggles revealing a luggage tag stuck to him) How'd that luggage tag get here? Drone 9370: I do not have an answer to your query, suitcase designated property of ... Draqoken. Drone 9300: (Being lifted by two other drones as he struggles) Let me go! I'm not Draq's suitcase! (The other drones heave the struggling drone 9300 into the cargo bay and continue loading more suitcases behind him as he calls out.) Drone 9300: Let me goooooo! (Aboard the flight, the cabin crew are preparing the plane for departure while Laurel, Brandon, and Billybob are already seated. Farther down the isle, Eli Dante, and Nate are still chanting about Vegas.) Laurel: I do wish the other boys would pack it in already. They're going to get us kicked off the flight! Brandon: OH I don't mind. We're finally going on that group vacation that we've always been wanting to go on. laurel: Yeah I suppose you're right. An entire week of sand, sea and sunshine. Just what this girl needs. Brandon: Yeah. I've always wanted to visit Tahiti in the summer time. Billybob: We're going to Tahiti? Laurel: Yeah. How did you not know? Billybob: hey man, I just go wherever the plane takes me. But Tahiti here we come, I guess. (The plane begins to accelerate down the runway as both parties, their voices drowned out from each other by the roar of the engines, cheer for their upcoming vacation.) Laurel and Brandon: Tahiti here we come! Eli and Nate: Vegas here we come! (The title sequence begins as the plane takes off.) Scene 1: Recap (as everyone is going about their business, one of the automated flight crew are giving the safety announcement over the PA. Eli, Dante, and Nate are not paying much attention to this, however. Eli is sitting in the window seat, but there is currently no view through it as the normally lovely view is blocked completely by a shimmering opaque reality shield just beyond the outer hull of the plane.) Eli: Well, that takes the shine off of the window seat some what. Nate: Yeah, sorry old chap. but it's for our own protection. You know there's very little to see anyway what with these reality shields. Dante: Hmm. I'm sure there's something in my lab to cook up something to make these flights a little more entertaining. Eli: I just want the drones to bring around the hot towels and pre-dinner snacks already. Dante: that's what we paid for. First class has it's perks, and I always fly first class. (A ram shackled flight attendant drone [FAD], marches up to the trio.) FAD: Hot towel? Nate: No thanks. Dante: Oh yes please! Eli: I'll take one! (The drone dispenses two hot towels into Dante and Eli's laps.) FAD: Very well, sirs. And can I interest sirs in the pre-dinner snack? Eli: Me please! I've been dying for a snack. What is there? FAD: A mystery, to be sure sir. It was left over from our Christmas flight, but it is still fresh, we assure you. Eli and Nate: I'll take one! FAD: Here you are, sirs. In flight dinner will be around shortly. (The drone dispenses packaged snacks and heads off along the isle, asking at each row, "Hot towel?") Eli: I say! It's a recap from the Christmas talent show. Nate: Ahh, I had a great time with that. The trio: (In a dreamy voice) The Dante-omatic. (As the three open their snacks, a recap of the funniest moments from the previous talent show begin playing.) (As that ends, we join Laurel, Brandon and Billybob who are chatting as the FAD makes its way towards them.) Brandon: So, what do you guys think you'll do when we get to Tahiti? Billybob: We're going to Tahiti? Brandon and laurel: Yes! Billybob: Oh. Laurel: Well, I'm going to do some sun bathing. Brandon: I thought I might go shopping. Lots of fun things to get. Billybob: I don't know, man. I'm just glad to have a break. FAD: Hot towel? Billybob: Oh! You got here just in time! Let me get ... um ... a double cheese... NO wait. This isn't McDonalds. (Brandon sighs in frustration.) Billybob: Um. You know what, let me just get a ham sandwich. (The FAD's head begins smoking as, in confusion, its circuits begin overloading.) Brandon: We'll all take towels. Laurel: I... didn't want a towel, thanks. FAD: (Throwing towels at everyone) Here you are. And a complimentary pre-dinner snack sirs and madame. Laurel: (Resignedly opening her snack) Alright. Let's see what we got here. Brandon: it's the top three winners from our last talent show! (The three hosts begin munching on their snacks as the recap of the music begins playing.) Scene 2: Dinner is Served (As time passes, an outside view shows the airplane soaring gracefully through a reality fold. Cut to inside, and Eli is heading back to his seat.) Eli: (Approaching from down the isle) Man, I don't think they can make those restrooms any smaller. Excuse me. (Eli wiggles his way past the other two to the window seat and treads on a few toes.) Nate: Hey, watch where you're putting your foot, old man! Eli: (Annoyed) Who invented these window seats anyway? If I built this plane? I'd put another isle right down there. Nate: Oh relax, old man. It's not so bad. Eli: Well you don't have the window seat, do you? Nate: I'm as good as in the window seat. Dante: (Talking over the other two) Settle down guys! The dinner course is coming around. Eli and Nate: (Together) Sorry, Dante. Nate: Hang on a minute. Don't we usually say that to the drone? Wonder where the flamin' little geezer's gotten himself off to this time? (The FAD arrives and begins giving out covered dishes and silverware.) FAD: Your dinners, Sirs. Talent Mystery supreme a la mode. Eli: Hmm well, looks like my main course is Calimat performed by ABabyAssault! (As Eli tucks in, the song begins playing.) Nate: I say that does look rather good. Well, here is Part of that World performed by Pegacorn baked into a delicious crust. (Crunch! He bites into it, and the music begins.) Dante: Oh please. You guys wish you could taste what I got. This time, a cover performed by LadyZeppelin. smothered in a creamy pesto sauce. Reminds me of one of my mad scientist experiments. (Dante's evil laugh leads into the song.) Scene 3: Dessert is served (Once more, an outside view shows time passing as the plane flies past. Inside, Billybob is in full flow about something as the other two look on patiently, if not a little confused.) Billybob: They're lying to you. I believe that we should be teaching people that 1+1+1+1 equals 4.5 instead of saying that it equals 4, because the tiny decimals make a difference in the long run. What do you guys think? Brandon: Um... Laurel: I don't really know what to say. Brandon: And what does that have to do with CR's birthday anyway? Billybob: Nothing. Why? laurel: (amused and exasperated) Well, that's what you started talking about at first. Billybob: Oh was it? You guys worry too much. Just enjoy the ride. (The other two look utterly confused.) Brandon: Am I the crazy one? Laurel: No. I think maybe we are both the crazy one. (This entire time, FAD has been making his way down the isle towards them.) FAD: Your desserts, sirs and madame. Laurel: Oh brilliant! The main course was excellent. I can only imagine what you have in store for us. FAD: Thank you, madame. I shall convey your appreciation to the airplane chef. (The FAD walks down the isle.) Brandon: (Unwrapping his meal with the others) Was that drone trying to make a joke or something? I don't think airplanes have chefs. Laurel: (Sounding unconcerned) No idea. Laurel: (excited) Oh excellent! I got Austin with a CR twist. Originally performed by Blake Shelton, performed by SkyFallBlindDreamer. That'll pair well with dinner. (She tucks in, and the song begins playing.) Brandon: Aww. Well Mine looks pretty good too. It's Hope Has a Place performed by LittleNessie. (He unwraps the dessert and chucks the packet into a trash can as the song plays.) Brandon: So Billybob, what'd you get? (beat) Billybob? Laurel: (confused) Hey? Where'd Billybob go? (but while they were enjoying their desserts, Billybob slipped away.) Scene 4: Billybob in the Captain's Seat (Shuttering a little as it passes by, the airplane streaks across the tumbling reality fold as it enters a section of open sky. Cut to the cockpit with two pilot drones sitting at the controls while the FAD enters shedding parts at random.) FAD: Captain. One of the special passengers would like to speak to you. Captain: Oh. Can it wait? I'm enjoying my only break so far on this flight. Navigating a reality fold isn't easy, you know? Co-captain: Oh I know. I'm the one doing all the work anyway. (The captain drone sprouts a cattle prod weapon and aims it at the co-captain.) Captain: What was that, sonny Jim? FAD: (Interrupting) Sirs. he said there is something wrong with the engines. (The captain angrily whirs across the cockpit and back to his seat as he speaks.) Captain: Oh, and he's an expert, is he? FAD: Well... Captain: Spit it out, man. FAD: Well.. he says he's played a lot of Euro fly, sir, and when he last heard something like that-- Captain: (interrupting) Oh, played a lot of euro fly, did he? Co-captain: (Eager to regain favor, chuckles stupidly) Yeah, yeah. Captain: An expert on planes, is he? Co-captain: (laughs stupidly again) That's right, boss. Captain: (blasts the co-captain with a bolt from his cattle prod) Shut up, co-captain. Co-captain: (drooping) Sorry, boss. Captain: Well, looks like we're not needed at all, are we? Co-captain: (looking frightened) Yeah, that's right, boss. Captain: Well then, off we pop. Good luck, you know being alive. FAD: (shouting after them as Billybob enters) NO Sir! Please come back, sir! Please! Billybob: (picking up the PA transmitter) The pilot and the co-pilot have gone on break, and now I'm in charge. All in flight entertainment is free. Coming up for our first piece of entertainment, we have Clafilia singing Speechless from the Aladdin live reboot. Enjoy. (He taps a control, and the song begins.) Billybob: Next, we got SummerSun2002 singing the Painter by Cody Johnson. (The next song plays as a subtle light begins blinking on the control panel. he pays it no mind as he is in entertainer mode.) Billybob: Man, I could do this all day. Flying the plane ... that's another story. But you know, planes basically fly themselves, so you're in safe hands. (As he speaks, one alert after another begin going off.) Billybob: We are absolutely not gonna crash. But... there is something that sounds a little bit weird about these engines. So if anybody knows anything... about ... (He looks as if he might be overcome with emotion, so he collects himself.) billybob: If anybody knows how to fly an airplane, please come up front immediately.. I repeat. If you know how to fly an airplane, please come to the cockpit immediately. Scene 5: Disaster Strikes (A quick cut to the outside of the plane shows it wavering in the air and even stalling, causing the nose to pitch downward alarmingly. Inside, passengers are yet to notice something is wrong, though a few of them are listening to the announcement over the PA with concern. Meanwhile, Laurel and Nate are making their way up the isle.) Nate: (cheerfully) Oh hello, Darling. laurel: (relieved) Nate! Finally you're here. Nate: (goes in for a hug( Aww you missed me. Laurel: (shoves him off) What? No I'm trying to work out why Billybob is flying the plane. Nate: Oh! I thought the pilot sounded rather familiar. laurel: What? Why were you headed to the cockpit then? Nate: The cockpit? I was just popping to the toilet. Laurel: (annunciates the following like she's talking to a third grader) Billybob is flying the plane! Nate: (Sounding pleased) I know! What a promotion for him! laurel: You're okay with this? Nate: Absolutely. Anything Billybob breaks, he can fix. (Nate is interrupted as the plane begins shuttering and pitches sideways suddenly. The subannouncement sound chimes over the PA, and Billybob begins talking, though his voice is hard to hear over the panicking passengers.) Billybob: Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please? Please don't panic, but... we're currently headed towards the ground at an incredible velocity. But when you think about it, falling out of the sky is sort of like launching towards the ground, so we'll probably be okay. I'd like to ask one final time that you, STOP THE SCREAMING! thank you. Nate: (IN a voice of determined calm) I'm sure he's going to fix it. (beat) Any moment ... now. (beat, then he says quickly) I'll, um, just go see if Billybob needs a hand fixing whatever broke. (Yelling over his shoulder) Do something to distract the passengers, will you? Laurel: (shouting after him) Like what? Nate: (shouting back as he departs) I don't know! Introduce an act from the talent show or something! Laurel: (sighs) For goodness sake. (Raising her voice to be heard over the panic) Hey! Listen up people! It's all going to be okay! Just have a listen to JonnyFromTheBlocck and Andy Bob Beaumont singing a song called Young! Hopefully everything will be alright after that performance! Laurel: (Quieter and to herself) Oh Nate. You better do something fast. (As the plane begins plummeting out of the sky, the song begins to play.) Scene 6: Nate in the Cockpit (It is chaos in the cockpit with sparking machinery all over the place. Billybob is conspicuous only by his absence.) Nate: Billybob! I'm here! What happened? (Beat) Billybob? (Beat) Where the devil have you gotten to, man? (FAD enters from the left through a drone hatch) FAD: Sir, what are you doing in the cockpit? Passengers are not allowed. Nate: Yes, well, I can help. The plane is currently crashing. FAD: Funnily enough, I had noticed. This is all the more reason why you should be in your seat, honored sir. Nate: Not when I have something that can help buy us some time. (Takes something out of his pocket) FAD: What is that, sir? Nate: It's an act from the talent show. Specifically, Sweet Genevieve by Exodia! If I jam this into the flight computers, should give us a temporary boost. FAD: How would that help? Nate: Do you want to save this plane or not? FAD: (Quick calculating sound) Very well. Proceed. (Nate jams the talent show act into the flight computer, and the shaking and shuttering briefly stops as the act begins.) Nate: What did I tell you? Problem solved. Now, let's see what we can do about the crashing thing. (Nate takes out a radio and speaks into it.) Nate: This is Lara Stardust calling all available coders. Please respond. Brandon: Brandon here. Dante: Hey Nate. Eli: Oh captain my captain Eli Perez (is drowned out by a traceback and an Up your nose from someone). Nate: (Cutting off Eli) Yeah yeah yeah we get it. Brandon, I need you to run an eval. For p in here.location.passengers, x.calm=1. Endfor. Dante, I need you to run down to the back of the plane. There's a hatch into the duct work. Eli, let's keep it simple. There should be something in my bag that will help, so go and grab it for us. Dante, Eli'll meet you in the engine room. Dante: Roger that. Well not Roger Mires, but you know what I mean. Brandon: hang on, do you mean p.calm=1? You said X. Nate: (sighs) Yes. P, not x. My bad. Eli: What's going on? Draq: Bring me some more popcorn! Nate: Short story, We're flying a new airplane I coded a minute ago. Eli: Shouldn't we have tested it before entrusting our lives to it? Nate: Listen, old chap. We all should have done things we haven't. Now do you want to save this plane or not? Eli: Understood. Brandon: Turtle out. (Puts away radio and goes to controls.) Nate: Alright, F.A.D. Eli will be waiting for you. Now, let's save a plane, what ho! Scene 7: Drone in Distress (IN the cargo bay, the drone is singing to itself, still trapped there.) Drone 9 3 0 0: I've been sitting in this cargo bay, all the flippin' day. I've been sitting in this cargo bay just to pass the time away. (pause) OH, what's that? An I rescued at last? (Eli teleports in) Eli: Wow! Hi, Drone 9 3 0 0. I didn't expect you to be coming on vacation with us. Really clever to sneak yourself in as cargo. They don't charge the bags to ride. I should have thought of that. Drone: What? NO! I'm not here on purpose! Eli: Fascinating. Glad I found you though. Do you know where Nate's suitcase is? I need to grab something from it for him. Drone: Oh, it's just over there, to your right. Eli: (Begins heading left) Hmm, I found Brandon's bag. Drone: The right, you idiot. Eli: Oh right! Sorry. (Heads off to the right.) Ahh here it is. Let's see... (Begins rummaging through the bag) Drone: What are you looking for? Eli: Well, Nate needed... Ah hah! Here it is, the exact thing we needed. Drone: What is that? Eli: It actually looks a lot like an act from the talent show, Guardian Angel by NightWhisperer if I'm not mistaken. Hmm, I think it's activated... like this. (Eli activates the talent show act, and a blade from the past flashes across the cargo bay and slams into the side, starting the act.) Drone: So what do you need that for? And what's going on up there anyway? Eli: Sorry, Drone 9 3 0 0, old pal. We can't all hang around here free loading. I've got to get to the engines. Drone: Wait no! Take me with you! Waiaaaaaaaiiiiit! (But Eli is gone) Scene 8: Could it get any worse? (Brandon is busily sending out an eval from his fingers into a keyboard that has materialized. As he compiles, his own little brand of hostly magic washes over the panicking crowd until they are all as calm as it is possible to be in a crashing plane.) Brandon: Perfect. Eval worked like a charm. Laurel: (walking up to Brandon) Nice work, Brandon. Brandon: Aww thanks, Hon. Just as long as nothing else happens, we should be fine. (The subannouncement sound plays, and Dante's voice comes over the PA.) Dante: Attention, everyone. Please do not use aircraft engines for a moment. Something seems to be causing a terrible traceback. (The engines suddenly cut out, and the crowd begin panicking again.) Brandon: (sighs) You know, like that. Something like that. Brandon: (Raising his voice) Calm down everyone! I'm sure we'll be fine! Here, have another act from the talent show, on the house! (This is Love You Like a Love Song by Selena Gomez! And it's being performed by NightSky! Isn't that great? (More screams as the song begins to play.) Scene 9: Eli and Dante in the Engine Room (Dante is materializing in the engine room and heads over to where some drone or other has left a box of oil-smeared tools.) Dante: (Kicks the toolbox) Oh come on. Does no one clean their tools? Dante: (sorts through some stuff) Alright. Let's see here. Eli: (entering through a hatch) Oof, a bit of a tight squeeze there. Hey Dante. Nate thought you might need this. Dante: (Sounding relieved) Perfect. This is literally the tool for this job. (Dante begins an arcane chant as he uses the knife-like talent show entry to adjust valves and set up an elaborate system to dislodge whatever is stuck in the engines.) Dante: Now all we need to do is turn the crank and snap the plank, and shoot the ball right down the shoot. Now watch it roll and hit the poll and knock the ball into the rubbadub tub which hits the man into the pan. The trap is set! Here comes the net! (As soon as he's finished with his chant, there is a metal bang and something clatters onto the floor.) Dante: Well, that explains our engine troubles. This act from the talent show was stuck right up in there. Seriously, how does this happen? Eli: Oh? What act is it? Dante: It's Imagination, an instrumental track arranged by TwilightDiamond. (As the act lays on the floor, it begins playing and echoing through the plane.) Eli: Well, now that's all taken care of, let's start her up. (Subannouncement noise) Dante: Okay. Feel free to use airplane engines again. (The engines start up again, and Eli is suddenly dragged off his feet by the force of the wind shooting through here, his raven cloak flapping in the wind and his bird-like bones a curse more than a help this time as he is sucked towards the exhaust ports of the engines.) Eli: Wait you should have waited until we were out of heeeeeeeeere! Dante: (laughs evilly) Oops. Well, I guess I better get back to my seat. Scene 10: Prepare for Landing (Cutting to the outside of the plane once more, and it is entering the other side of the reality fold while a spec, possibly Eli, hurtles through the sky. Inside, everyone is back in their seats, and the plane is smoothly traversing the reality fold once more.) Air stewardess: Thank you for flying /Cosmic Reality Airlines. Nate: Finally! It's about blasted time. Air stewardess: We apologize for all the inconveniences this flight and regret that we will not be able to refund you any amount of this flight because we also have bills to pay. If you have any issue with this, you may feel free to file a complaint to support@nathantech.net. Please enjoy the remainder of this flight and ensure that your seats are in the upright position and your seat belts are securely fastened. Thank you. Nate: Hey, Dante. Where's Eli gotten himself off to? Dante: Oh ... um... he stepped out for a second. Nate: What? Stepped out? Like he's outside the blasted airplane? (Suddenly the window beside them smashes, and Eli comes flying through it, crumpling onto the floor in a shower of glass.) Dante: Of course he's not outside the plane. See? (Eli hauls himself to his feet and flicks a switch, causing the glass to fly back together and into the window.) Eli: (groans in pain) Ow. Well, I guess that's one benefit of the window seat. FAD: Seatbelt, sir? Eli: I'm fine, FAD. Your concern is touching. Nate: I say old chap, where did it say we are landing? Eli: I'm pretty sure it said Vegas right? Nate: Must be. Anyway seat belts on. tally ho! FAD: Seatbelt? Eli: I'm trying! the damned thing is stuck! Look! It won't. Come! Out of the... Nate: Hold up old chap, there's something jammed in the mechanism? Eli: Ahh! Nate: If we just give it a little bit of a shove and... IA talent show entry pops out of the buckle.) aha. Eli: Hold it up old sport I can't see! Nate: (under his breath) nothing new there. Eli: Aha! Yes! that's better... It's MidNightShadow's cover of Proud of your Boy from the Aladdin Broadway version. (As the act comes free, it begins playing.) Nate: Now how did that get there. Eli: Maybe it flew in when I came through the window? You never know what is out there in reality, scary things... FAD: SIR! Seatbelt? Eli: Oh, right. Of course. (The plane comes in for a smooth landing.) Scene 11: Awaiting Disembarkation (The plane idles in the background as people begin getting ready to disembark. Other first class passengers leave ahead of Eli, Dante, and Nate, and the latter is shifting restlessly in his seat. Dante is pretty chill, but Eli is getting increasingly annoyed at Nate's fidgeting.) Eli: Nate? Nate: Yes old bean. Eli: Would you sit, the cosmic, still! Nate: I'm sorry old man I'm just so darned bored! there's nothing to do but sit here. I thought first class meant we got off first! But that fellow up the front there is taking an age! Eli: Well, he was ahead of us, old chap. Nate: Well who is he Anyway? Eli: tell you what. you stay here, I'll go have a quiet word in his shell like. Nate: Fine. While you do that, I guess I can find something to watch on the telly telly bunkom box... Lets see here... Cosmic girls... Starships gone wild... No no no. There's nothing... Aha! Music Of the Night from Phantom of the Opera performed by ASpaceDog! Fantastic! (Nate switches between channels on the television until he lands on the talent show act.) Eli returning from up the isle: Well I asked the guy who he was and you know what he said? Nate: No, do tell. Eli: he said, and I quote directly here:"Bugger off I'm the pilot get back in your seat." Nate: Truly? What a strange name. Did you ask him if you could call him something shorter? Eli: Well, I didn't want to be rude or nothing, but he did give me this. Suppose it's something. (Eli pulls out a piece of paper much like the recap from the Christmas talent show and turns it over.) Nate: Still. Mr, bugger off I'm the pilot get back in your seat is a bit of a mouthful. Maybe we can call him pilot? Eli: hm, mr stick up his Nate: Anyway! You were saying, the gift? Eli: ahem quite right quite right. Well, what I have here you see is Brand new Day, an original musical arrangement by Tunmi. (Eli taps at the paper, and the talent show act begins to play.) Scene 12: Arrival at Last (The scene begins outside the plane in the docking corridor. All of the hosts are disembarking and heading through the corridor to a shimmering, somehow familiar, door at the end.) Nate: It's about time! Do you know how long I was squished and squashed inside that plane unable to stretch my hostly powers? Eli: Hang your hostly powers old man. I was sucked out of the airplane. Nate: But this-- Laurel: Boys! Behave yourselves! Eli: But-- Laurel: We're here. Stop complaining. (The doors swish open, and the hosts step into...) Dante: awww! This isn't Vegas! I wanted to go to Vegas! Where are the casinos? Where's the strip club? Eli: This looks like... Laurel: Surely not. Brandon: You've got to be kidding me. Nate: it's the blue blazing blooming admin area! (Sure enough, the very familiar admin area is spread out around them just as it was before they left it prior to their flight. As this, the hosts begin glowing and radiating energy, contorting and exploding in fury, sending debris and rubble in every direction as the title sequence begins to play once more.) End Credits Voiceober: You have been listening to A Cosmic Rage Talent Show! RageCationing With the Stars! Performances in order of appearance: Calimat by ABabyAssault A Whole New World by Pegacorn This Time by LadyZeppelin Austin with a CR Twist by SkyfallBlindDreamer Hope Has a Place by LittleNessie Speechless by Clafilia The Painter by SummerSun2002 Young Featuring Andy Bobb Beaumont by JonnyFromTheBlock Sweet Jenevieve by Exodia Guardian Angel by NightWhisperer Love You Like a Love Song by NightSky Imagination by TwilightDiamond Proud of Your Boy by MidnightShadow Music of the Night by ASpaceDog And Brand New Day by Tunmi Script by Nathan Smith and Mario Garcia Audio Production by Mario Garcia and Draqoken. Thanks to all the hosts who participated in this production and most importantly, to all the players for listening. Epilogue (As the theme song ends, we cut to the cargo bay with a single solitary drone.) Drone: Hello? Hello? is anyone out there? I'm stuck in storage. Hello? (The drone scans his surroundings and tries again.) Drone: Hello? Drone: Would someone let me out? (The drone gets more frustrated as he hears no response.) Drone: I'm stuck in storage! (The drone attempts to open the cargo bay doors from the inside but fails. he droops for a moment, then he explodes in anger and frustration. As the view pulls away, the drone can be heard singing once more.) Drone: I've been sitting in this cargo bay. All the flippin' day. I've been sitting in this cargo bay, just to pass the time away...