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Kakuro is a popular puzzle game originally invented in Japan.
In some regards, Kakuro is rather like a cross between a maths crossword puzzle and Sudoku.
you start off with a grid, by default this is 9 by 9. Upon this grid are placed sums that you must solve in either the vertical or the horizontal direction.
the challenge comes when you only have so many squares to solve your sum in and even more so when sums cross over!
Are you up for the challenge?

The versions.

Kakuro is a commercial product, though don't be put off by that.
You can play the game fully featured in the demo mode, but for just the small price of £5, you can change your board size for even more challenges!
Plus, by purchasing a copy, you'll be supporting my development. so thank you.


To download the demo version simply click below:
Kakuro v1.0 setup.exe(10.4MB), Version downloads: 330. total downloads: 340.


To purchase a full copy of the game, simply fill out the form below.
There's no wait time, simply enter your product key from the game, click buy, pay and you're good to go.
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Last updated Tuesday 25th February 2025 06:28:45
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