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The Nathan Tech Newsletters.

In community feedback ran at the end of 2024, one of the things a lot of our users requested was a newsletter from which they could stay up to date with all the information that Nathan Tech gave out, including product releases, thoughts of the developer, and more.

Subscribe to the newsletter Today!

What's this?The Cosmic Rage subscription signs you up to receive an email each month which contains the information from the Message Of The Moment, used by staff in game to give a summary of announcements, changes, the host meeting and stats from that given month.

What's this?This is the informal newsletter run by the developer of Nathan Tech. this will be issued on an ad hoc basis and may contain such things as general information about some of the products, queries to the community or even just a particularly impactful event.

What's this?This subscription will send out a notification of any new releases or product updates from Nathan Tech, which will include the changes for that version where appropriate.

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Nathan Tech

It's not disability

It's ability!

Last updated Sunday 16th February 2025 01:13:57
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