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Welcome to the tutorials section of Nathan Tech

Please note:

As of May 20th, 2016 these tutorials are being made available for download. You may download the tutorials displayed on this page. You may not claim ownership of these tutorials or broadcast them with out permission.


These tutorials are arranged in alphabetical order.

Audacity getting started tutorial

In this tutorial Nathan Smith of Nathan Tech takes you threw the simple steps of getting started with audacity version v2.0 including pitch, effects, generating sounds and exporting.
Take a listen today:
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Click here to download!

Get started with a computer with keystrokes and a screen reader.

Have you recently turned blind and now must learn to use a windows computer with only a screen reader for company?
Do you know someone in this potentially frightening position?
Panic no more! Nathan Smith of Nathan Tech has created this short series of tutorials that are guaranteed to get you off the ground and navigating around your laptop in just a couple of minutes.
Follow along as he makes bad jokes, memory tricks and generally has a good time in an effort to make you feel confident on your computer.
Click here and lets figure this out together.


perhaps you aspire to be a web developer.
Maybe you want your own website but don't want to use a web builder.
Or perhaps you just want to be able to read and understand website code.
What ever your reason, we have the tutorials for you!
Check out this series of 8 really useful bite-sized HTML tutorials that will get you from knowing nothing about it to being able to upload your website to the internet and make your dreams a reality.
Click here.

INO setup compiler

In this slow paced tutorial Nathan Smith of Nathan Tech will walk you through the easy steps of making an installable executable file using simple explanations with the ino setup compiler.
Audio not working?
Click here to download!


Ever wanted to learn a programming language?
Why not start with python, the easiest there is!
In this series of tutorials, Nathan Smith of Nathan Tech walks you through first the basics of the language, then will guide you through building a simple guess the numbers app.
Each tutorial is under 15 minutes in length.
Get started here.

Quentin c's playroom.

In this tutorial, Nathan Smith of Nathan Tech will walk you threw the beginning steps of quentin c's gameroom, from getting logged in to sending a private message.
Have a listen:
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Click here to download!

SoundRTS copying tutorial

In this tutorial Nathan Smith from Nathan Tech shows you how to copy and activate a single map, a double layer map and a mod for the game SoundRTS

Take a listen:

Audio clip not working? Click here to download!

SoundRTS map making tutorial

In this tutorial Nathan Smith of Nathan Tech takes you threw the simple steps of building a map in the game SoundRTS
He goes threw each stage in a slow easy to hear manner and is really easy to understand.
Take a listen:
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Click here to download!

Version Numbers.

What is a version number, exactly?
What does 2.3.4 actually mean, in the grand scheme of things?
these are questions many developers ask, but not many manage to get answers to.
In this tutorial we hope to teach about syntactic version numbering, and explain why it is useful.
we also cover what alpha and beta stages of development are.

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Click here to download!

VoiceOver Tutorials.

Learn to use VoiceOver on your apple devices using our quick and friendly tutorials.
VoiceOver is the advanced Screen Reading Solution by Apple and these tutorials have the goal of making you a top class user, even if you're only just hearing of this software!
So get started!

Like our tutorials?

If you like or have found our tutorials useful, please let us know via our contact page!
We always want to hear from you and it is reviewers like you that enspire us to go on.
We are also taking suggestions for tutorials, if you would like us to demonstrate how to use a piece of software or a game, let us know!
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Last updated Sunday 16th February 2025 01:13:57
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