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Welcome to developer central!

Always wanted to learn code?
Fancy making your own website?
Or maybe you're interested in smashing out a new audio game to take the fans by storm.
What ever your desire, we have the thing for you.

About this page

This page gives details on different types of code and gives links to tutorials we have made in order to start coding in those languages.
We recommend you also check out our very own Nathan Tech made software section for some great developer tools.


HTML, or hyper textual markup language is a simple and easy form of website code that allows you to instantly make websites without even installing any programs.
Our HTML documents are expanding all the time as new tags and new items are added.

If you are new to HTML

You may want to check out our HTML tutorials first before looking at the table below.
You may want to also check out This guide on how to set up an html file

Quick reference sheet

Find on This page a table that shows each of the known tags to Nathan Tech, an example value and list of attributes.

Accessibility for my page

Accessibility is what Nathan Tech is all about and we have two sections for your websites:
  1. For developers, how to make your site easier for screen reader users
  2. Some general shortcut keys for most screen readers

Coming soon:

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Nathan Tech

It's not disability

It's ability!

Last updated Tuesday 25th February 2025 06:28:45
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